Friday 20 June 2014

Upcoming Events This Weekend.........

When:     Sunday 22nd June
Where:    Kew Hospital Grounds (signposted from Kew Road, west entrance)
Time:      11.30am - 1.00pm
Courses: 5 courses to choose from - long red, short red, orange, yellow and white
Hockey Southland
Hockey Southland is running the Active Post Fun Sticks modules every Sunday during term two for all new and current hockey players that are at school in Years 1 & 2 ONLY.
TIME:                    10.00am - 10:45am
DAY:                      Sundays (22nd and 29th June)
COST:                    $5 per session
LOCATION:         ILT Hockey Turf (Camden Street)
PLEASE NOTE:    Never cancelled (if poor weather the session will be in the hall attached to the turf   facility